Auckland band Wax Chattels' sound and energy creates an atmosphere akin to a traditional loud power trio – except their music is anything but traditional. They create darkly hypnotic and frenetic music that's both rhythmically complex and sinister.

Peter Ruddell (26, keyboards/vocals), Amanda Cheng (26, bass/vocals) and Tom Leggett (22, drums) met studying Jazz Performance at the University of Auckland, and started Wax Chattels a few years later after they'd lived in Japan, Ireland, gone to Law School and/or performed in various other projects.

Composing together, the band worked up their material for a year prior to recording. “We tracked the songs as a live band to capture the energy of the live show, restricting ourselves to instruments which we play live and keeping all production to a minimum to focus on the band sound itself." The band "come from" and "go to" different places on stage and in their heads when they write, record and perform, largely because they aren't the kind of band with homogeneous interests outside of music. Live, they are not to be missed.

WAX CHATTELS - Wax Chattels is available on limited edition white vinyl - first come first served basis. Also out on standard LP, CD, Cassette & Digital. Grab your copy here.